
Carpe Diem … and Stone Fruits!


When I talk or write about cooking, I emphasize the value of my kitchen game plans for helping me get a healthy dinner on the table quickly after a day of work.  However, there are some things that just can’t be planned, and that’s what crossed my mind this afternoon at my local farm stand. I was wrapping up my shopping, when I saw it from across the aisle.  

Each Box  $1.00  


Now, most of the boxes on the table adorned with this sign were: (a) quite small; and (b) full of vegetables that…well, let’s be honest…were approaching the “limp noodle” stage of life.  But one box stood out.  It was a flat box used for shipping tomatoes, about the size of a case of beer, and it was full of stone fruits — peaches, nectarines, and plums.  I could see that several were bruised, but many of them just looked a little miffed that they were being passed over for a centerfold in Farm Stand Quarterly.